Based in NYC, I'm driven by a passion for user experience. With an M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction from Pratt Institute and six years of industry experience, I specialize in crafting designs that are FEEL—Functional, Empathetic, Enjoyable, and Lasting.
I'm here to work my magic & 'Wingardium Leviosa'(elevate) your user experiences with intuitive design and seamless interactions!
UX Design
The transformation of NYMS website- Building a platform which fosters categorized information and encourages engagement
UX Research
Effortless Ordering: An In-Depth Evaluation of Airpals Website’s ‘Order Flow’ & User Expectations
UX Design
Bridging the Mental Health Gaps by empowering Users with a Unified Wellness Platform
Behavioral Analytics
Art Meets Data: Enhancing Creative Capital's impact through analytics-driven insights for optimized digital Reach and Engagement
UX Research
Decoding Engram: Unveiling the Secrets and Pitfalls of User Engagement for increased Retention
UX Design
Revamping the Girl Scouts(GS) Website: A Quest for Seamless Navigation and Enhanced User Experience for Parents
Design System
The transformation of NYMS website- Building a platform which fosters categorized information and encourages engagement
Don’t just take my word for it!